Like the airlines mileage programs, but better.
Earn points commuting without polluting
Transform your daily commutes by walking, cycling, public transport, and even electric or ethanol-powered vehicles into multi-benefits.
★★★★★ 4.2 stars from 45,002 users

User Access: it's open to download it in the apple store or google play 😊 The company access at Username: Password: 12345678Aa.
Ecomiles APP
Para usuarias
Ecomiles is an app designed to promote sustainable transportation. It tracks and rewards users who choose eco-friendly commuting options, like walking, biking, taking public transport, or using electric vehicles. Think of it as a tool that gamifies sustainability: every time you make a greener commuting choice, the app calculates the environmental impact, like the carbon emissions you avoided, and rewards you with points or incentives.
For example, you can redeem those points for discounts, perks, or other benefits. It’s not just about rewards; it’s also a way to track your personal contribution to reducing carbon emissions and aligning with sustainability goals. Essentially, it helps make sustainability accessible, actionable, and even rewarding for individuals and companies.
Ecomiles Business
Companies kill features:
- Data collection from daily commuting.
- Data evaluation from Carbon insetting (Reduced)
- Customization from corporate benefits (Food card, day off, remote work)
- Ranking of “employee of the month” who most avoided CO2e
- Export data to GRI, GHG or Integrated report of sustainability;
- Create Gamefication campaigns to engage carbonless employee commuting.
En la actualidad, un número creciente de empresas está reconociendo la importancia de medir su impacto social. Desarrollar un panel de seguimiento y medición del impacto social, en relación con el empoderamiento de las colaboradoras a través de la comunicación, es una herramienta valiosa para comprender el alcance de las acciones que se están llevando a cabo con Calificadas APP. Además, permite identificar áreas en las que se puede mejorar. Esta herramienta no solo es beneficiosa para la empresa en sí, sino también para los inversores y otros stakeholders que desean entender cómo se está utilizando su dinero y/o esfuerzos, y qué tipo de impacto se está generando. Por lo tanto, desarrollar un panel de seguimiento y medición del impacto social por empresa es una importante incorporación en nuestra propuesta de valor. Esta iniciativa refuerza nuestro compromiso con la responsabilidad social corporativa y la transparencia en nuestras operaciones.
🤓 behind the matrix
Calificadas App es una aplicación web construida utilizando el framework angular para la parte del cliente, el framework .NET para la parte del servidor y se despliega y aloja en la plataforma en la nube de Azure. Esta combinación de tecnologías permite construir una aplicación web moderna, escalable y segura 🙌.
- React Native: is a cross-platform mobile app development framework created by Facebook (now Meta). In Ecomiles APP, React Native is used to develop the mobile application for both iOS and Android, allowing us to maintain a single codebase while providing a native experience on both platforms. This technology facilitates efficient development and application maintenance.
- Flutter:is a web application development framework developed by Google. It is used in Ecomiles App to build the user interface and application logic. Angular uses the dart programming language to write code, which provides additional features such as static typing and improvements in development productivity.
- Typescript: TypeScript is a strongly-typed programming language that builds on JavaScript. In Ecomiles APP, TypeScript is used to add static type checking and object-oriented programming features to our JavaScript code, making it more robust and easier to maintain. This helps catch potential errors during development and provides better tooling support through enhanced code intelligence and refactoring capabilities.
- GCP: Google Cloud Platform is our cloud infrastructure provider of choice. We leverage GCP's robust services for hosting, data storage, and scalability. Key services we utilize include Cloud Run for containerized applications, Cloud Storage for file management, and Cloud SQL for database operations. This infrastructure ensures high availability and performance for our users while maintaining cost efficiency.
- MongoDB: is our chosen NoSQL database solution for handling large volumes of user data and activity logs. Its flexible document model allows us to efficiently store and query complex data structures, while its horizontal scalability ensures we can handle growing user demands. The integration with our GCP infrastructure provides robust data persistence and high availability for our application.
- Docker and Kubernetes: they are essential components of our containerization and orchestration strategy. Docker enables us to package our application and dependencies into lightweight, portable containers, ensuring consistency across different environments. Kubernetes, our container orchestration platform, manages these containers at scale, handling deployment, scaling, and load balancing while providing robust monitoring and self-healing capabilities.
- All-time capturing geolocation.
- Virtual credit card using BaaS solutions
This feature will allow us to track users' transportation modes more accurately and automatically, providing seamless CO2 emission calculations without manual input or check-in. The continuous geolocation data will also help optimize route suggestions and improve the accuracy of environmental impact measurements. This enhancement will significantly improve user experience while maintaining battery efficiency and user privacy as top priorities.
By integrating Banking as a Service (BaaS) solutions, we'll enable users to receive and manage their rewards through a virtual credit card system. This feature will streamline the redemption process and provide more flexibility in how users can utilize their earned benefits. The virtual card will be directly linked to their accumulated points, making sustainable transportation choices even more tangible and rewarding.
- Gamefication challenges outside competitions
We plan to expand our gamification features beyond traditional company-based competitions by introducing city-wide and global challenges. Users will be able to participate in community-driven sustainability goals, compete with other eco-conscious commuters worldwide, and earn special achievements for consistent green transportation choices. These broader challenges will foster a sense of global environmental community while maintaining the engaging, competitive spirit that makes our app unique.
It's everything already designed, access this link in your smartphone to a better user experience of it: